is found only in the easternmost plain districts. There are three harvests in a year:bhadai, dominated by corn that is sown from May to June and gathered in August and September;aghani, consisting primarily of rice sown in mid-June and gathered in December; andrabi, made up largely of ...
Find detailed information on road network map of Bihar. Clickable map of Bihar showing districts roads with boundaries.
The geospatial map correlates the blood arsenic with cancer types and the demographic area of Gangetic plains. Most of the cancer patients with high blood arsenic concentration were from the districts near the river Ganges. The raised blood arsenic concentration in the 2000 cancer patients strongly ...
The rice–wheat rotation is the dominant cropping system in Bihar, where food security of the rural population depends heavily on the production of rice and wheat. In Bihar, farmers plant rice after the first significant rains, and climatic shocks induce