目前Bigscreen Beyond的预售价为999美元,附赠简单的绑带(重量约28g)用户还可自由选择头顶绑带以及99美元的头戴式耳机绑带。但使用Bigscreen Beyond的用户需要准备好其他设备,例如高端PC配置(有支持VR的GPU)以及SteamVR基站和控制器,这意味着有部分用户还需要额外花费上百美元购买设备。Bigscreen Beyond实际体验如何?...
I'd guess this headset is more directed to people that already have the SteamVR controllers and base stations, or have the cash to blow on high end hardware. I have the disposable income so I'm in their market and my 4090 is more than capable at running ANY VR game I have at max ...
after all) has ‘pulled it off.’ It’s an incredibly compact VR headset with built-in SteamVR tracking. It feels like a polished, high-end product with a look and feel that’s all its own. The visuals are great, though not without a few compromises. And it delivers something that n...
VR方面,彭博社报道苹果VR或在2022年推出,采用一体机设计,价格或为300-900美元;虚拟演出平台Wave下架VR版客户端;StemaVR追踪模块Tundra Tracker开启众筹;Bigscreen推出含有广告的免费影片,探索盈利新模式;日本科音推出VR编曲应用。 融资方面,日本VR内容开发商Jolly Good宣布获得10亿日元(约人民币6250万元)新融资;中国单目S...