(including 136 new microsatellites),respectively.The total length of the female map increased from 852.0 to 965.8 cM,while the total length of the male map increased from 952.2 to 1 049.6 cM.Syntenic comparison between bighead carp map and silver carp maps identified 22 homologous linkage groups...
The bighead carp map consisted of 153 markers (27 microsatellites and 126 AFLPs) which were organized into 30 linkage groups, of which 19 contained at least four markers. The total length of the bighead carp map was 852.0cM, covering
nobilis) Beide Fu1, Haiyang Liu1,2, Xiaomu Yu1 & Jingou Tong1 Growth related traits in fish are controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL), but no QTL for growth have been detected in bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) due to the lack of high-density genetic map. In...
The size distribution of the unigenes from head tissues in bighead carp. Additional file 10: Figure S2. Key genes related to head development in bighead carp. The FPKM data of genes was used for heatmap construc- tion. Gene abbreviations: Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), ...
Fig.5 His ricalpr duc i n fsilvercarpandbigheadcarp ~ and cefishinLake@ianda hu 若将鲢鳙和银鱼的捕捞量除以每一年的捕捞努力量<以捕捞总天数计>求得单位努力量渔获 量< CPUE >~然后比较 1998 和 1999 年发生水华时的平均单位努力量渔获量与发生水华前的平均 单位努力量捕捞量<鲢鳙取 1993~1997 年...
Fine mappingCandidate genesGrowth traits•A high-density microsatellite-based genetic linkage map was constructed for bighead carp using 905 markers.•Three significant and 11 suggestive QTL for growth were identified.•TP53BP2 gene located in a significant QTL was significantly associated with ...