bighead ca..回复 逝月离殇 :需要特殊的做法,不能直接生吃,做好后吃了可以变聪明,涨智力,如果你在C3,我可以免费帮你做一个让你尝尝。
鲢鳙鱼产力2) silver carp and bighead carp 鲢鳙鱼 1. The result showed that Microcystis and Oscillatoria could not be digested completely by silver carp and bighead carp,but the being form could be destroyed. 2008年7—9月在蠡湖设置宝界桥和石塘桥两个实验点进行鲢鳙鱼和藻类治理关系的初步研究,...
aWe observed a delay in spawning time of Black Carp, Grass Carp, Silver Carp and Bighead Carp,which may be the result of the hydrological regime change in the Pearl River. 我们在黑鲤鱼、草鲤鱼、银色鲤鱼和自大鲤鱼的产生的时间观察了延迟,也许是水文学政权变化的结果在珍珠河上的。[translate]...
青草鲢鳙四种鱼同工酶的比较研究 Comparative Studies on Isozymes of Black Carp, Grass Carp,Silver Carp and Bighead Carp 姜建国,熊全沫,姚汝华JIANG Jian-guo,XIONG Quan-mei,YAO Ru-hua Keywords: 中国两性生殖卤虫品系,苹果酸脱氢酶,基因表达,群体遗传 Full-Text Cite this paper Add to My Lib Abstra...
Fig.5 His ricalpr duc i n fsilvercarpandbigheadcarp ~ and cefishinLake@ianda hu 若将鲢鳙和银鱼的捕捞量除以每一年的捕捞努力量<以捕捞总天数计>求得单位努力量渔获 量< CPUE >~然后比较 1998 和 1999 年发生水华时的平均单位努力量渔获量与发生水华前的平均 单位努力量捕捞量<鲢鳙取 1993~1997 年...
关键词:四大家鱼;仔鱼;营养状况;长江中游 中图分类号:@493文献标识码:A文章编号:0250-3263(2001)04-14-07 ThePreliminaryStudiesonNutritionalConditionofLarvalGrass Carp,SilverCarp,BlackCarpandBigheadfromthe MiddleReachesoftheYangtzeRiver SONGZhao-BinCAOWen-Xuan (InstituteofHydrobiology,ChineseAcademyofSciencesWu...