“[They] reminded me why I have made it my mission to bridge the gap between the new and old generations of music. I want people to know the ’90s music scene will continue to inspire todays’ top hits across genres but will always need to include unique ...
查了好久名字叫:《 For The Mac's and Don's》 节奏和风格特别棒 就是电影里 37分左右 Biggie 自己在录音棚里唱的那段~ 哪里都找不到,只有 Youtube上有,可惜没法看啊... 汉口逃跑... 3-26 1 这是那首歌曲,很好听啊 J66888 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjc2NjY4Nzc2.html?spm=a2h...
Biggiesmalls- 19-10-24 19:57 来自iPhone客户端 //@YouTube精选:hhh索隆的cos也是带剧情的//@罹歌羽立: 玩归玩,闹归闹,别拿艾斯开玩笑//@聶大導: P2出神入化,一个人可以cos一个镜头两个人//@玛丽隔壁的蜜兔:看到娜美那张真的忍不住了
查了好久名字叫:《 For The Mac's and Don's》 节奏和风格特别棒 就是电影里 37分左右 Biggie 自己在录音棚里唱的那段~ 哪里都找不到,只有 Youtube上有,可惜没法看啊... 汉口逃跑... 3-26 1 这是那首歌曲,很好听啊 J66888 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjc2NjY4Nzc2.html?spm=a2h0...