2.no biggienot important; no big deal Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 big•gie orbig•gy (ˈbɪg i) ...
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Biggie Smalls, also known as "The Notorious B.I.G.," was a revered hip-hop artist and face of East Coast gangsta rap. He was shot and killed on March 9, 1997.
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TheNotoriousB.I.G.、Biggie、Biggie Smalls、Big Poppa… 随便你喜欢怎样称呼他,你无法不承认 Christopher Wallace 这号人物在全世界范围 hip-hop 领域,乃至整个黑人文化圈的重要影响。这个永远年轻的「大个子」是纽约说唱当之无愧的救世主,他浑厚有力的声音永远笼罩着我们,仿佛从来不曾离开过一样。
被枪杀。Notorious B.I.G = Biggie。2005年,《滚石》杂志刊登了一篇Sulliavn的文章,文章指责洛杉矶警局并没有尽职履责,对于Death Row Records的嫌疑并没有做充分调查。2006年7月,这个悬而未决的案件重新开庭,华莱士的家属希望新的证据可以让案件的审理能有些起色。2011年4月,联邦调查局公布了调查...
NFT数字藏品交易系统开发|Biggie Small 的庄园通过 NFT 进行加密 不可替代的代币 (NFT) 市场OneOf正在将 Biggie Smalls 放在区块链上,发布与已故说唱传奇人物的首次合作。每个版本的“ Sky's the Limit ”生成个人资料图片 (PFP) 集合都授予其持有者对以前未经许可的 Notorious BIG(其真名是 Christopher Wallace...
while simultaneously impressing every guest that walks through the door. Funny enough, Ciara had the palette (neutrals, pls!) and modern style picked out before the theme, but one day listening to Spotify it clicked… The BIG one, Biggie Smalls style. And now you can pull off a cool kids...
Biggie Smalls, Biggie, Frank White, Big Poppa, Notorious B.I.G., regardless of what you may know him as, Christopher George Latore Wallace's story is unlike any others. From dropping out of school and peddling drugs to becoming one of the most celebrated rap artists of ...