Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota Darwin, Minnesota Francis A. Johnson was 45 years old when he started rolling scraps of twine from his family's farm into a ball. Twelve years later, when the ball weighed two tons, a reporter from the Minneapolis Tribune asked him why. "My mother tau...
Who Owns The Most Private Land in Minnesota? Minnesota Map-Getty Thinkstock World Population Reviewrecently put together its list of the largest private land owners in each state and there's a chance you've never heard of the number one spot in Minnesota. At a whopping 286,000 acres, the ...
That's a Big Boy! The Biggest Baby Ever Born in Iowa Babies come in all shapes and sizes. Here in the U.S., the average baby weighs between5 pounds 11 1/2 ounces and 8 pounds 5 3/4 ounces at birth. More than 80 percent of all babies are born within this range, but there are...
Minnesota's largest outdoor water park has something for everyone to enjoy. google maps The Wave Pool is a popular spot, where the water is heated to a comfy 80°F, and waves reaching 3 feet high are generated. It's easy to access with its zero-depth entry, gradually getting deeper to...
Minnesota Vikings: Josh Duhamel He's a Minot, North Dakota native, but actor Josh Duhamel still roots for purple. North Dakota doesn't have its own team, so it's no big surprise. Duhamel has Norwegian in his blood and has even been inducted into the Sca...
Slot machines are by far the most popular game in Minnesota casinos. People enjoy them because they’re super easy to play and offer the chance to win big. Recently, four lucky players hit huge jackpots at a casino in Minnesota.
The 2021 St. Patrick's Day party at the Mississippi Valley Fair was really the first big party in the Quad Cities since the pandemic shut things down. It was such a success that the MVF is doing it again! Join us on March 11 and 12 for two days of free music, food, drinks and ...
A Wegmans store that's about the same size as the company's Johnson City location will be shutting down soon.
Coolest Small Town in Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota Coolest Small Town in Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota Protect Your Pets! Cold Weather Safety Tips Every South Dakota Pet Parent Should Follow Protect Your Pets! Cold Weather Safety Tips Every South Dakota Pet Parent Should Follow All Aboard...