Education ended up being one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. Not all students have returned to school, making enrollment decline a major problem in some places, particularly big cities. Many of those who are back aren’t at grade level, given the substantial amount of learning ...
Oh, and guess what was planned for that so-called Wildlife Refuge in Oregon? A placer mine. Here is FONSI document from BLM. Why would they put a placer mine on a Wildlife Refuge? It doesn’t make sense...
Another 33 DSAers were elected this year for the first time, bringing the total to 101 when the new winners take office in January. This is greater than at any time since about 1912, when the Socialist Party had a strong foothold in both urban and rural America. Most...
Perhaps it’s not surprising that a circuit that for years has held that staring can constitute sexual harassment would find that excessive hugging may be illegal, too. The 9th Circuit (which covers California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, and other western states) held in the February ...