Street Fighter 6 is the next installment in the legendary Street Fighter series. This game will take fighting games to the next level with its new engine and improved visuals. Players will be able to choose from a variety of fighters, each with their own unique styles and abilities. There w...
May is here and with it we’ve got some exciting new games coming our way! Fans of the first Hellblade can check out the exciting sequel, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, thats coming to Xbox and PC on May 21st. Switch users can finally check out BioMutant on the 14th, as well as the...
2023 has become the year many long-in-development games finally make it out the door. Payday 3 is another example, scheduled for a 2023 release after entering production back in 2017. Payday 3 brings the cops-vs-robbers series into a“living, enormous representation" of New York City, accor...
"Outside Xbox" 10 Biggest New Games Coming in 2022 We Can't Wait to Play (TV Episode 2022) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Leatherface and his kin are back in a new game that has gone to extreme lengths to recapture the slasher energy of this beloved horror film franchise. Like several other games making good use of a horror film franchise IP, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is an asymmetrical multiplayer experience...
We’re still basically in the dark about what new systems and mechanics will be added to Playground Games’ new take on the classic Fable RPG series. And none of it matters. Not when you’ve got Super Hans. Everything we’ve seen from Fable so far has been so far ahead of the rest...
March 2024 offers a sizeable slate of new games including WWE 2K24, Rise of the Rōnin and Princess Peach: Showtime!
A year-old Reddit post may have correctly predicted one of the biggest games coming out next yearTim Mulkerin
Prepare for your next gaming obsession with this list of the buzziest new games for Xbox, Nintendo and Playstation, along with trailers and release dates.
your radar. Pokemon fans will also be able to dive into the second expansion for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. There's even a new Dragon Quest game coming exclusively to Switch. You can see all of the highlights below and the full release schedule of upcoming games to keep an eye out for...