That makes whales, by far, the loudest living organism on earth.Why is the Blue Whale So Big?Scientist don't really know for sure, but they are sure of one thing - as big as the ancient dinosaurs were they were never as big as the blue whale is. The blue whale is the largest ...
17The Largest Single Living Organism Based on Area Is a Specimen of Seagrass You might picture large trees or giant whales when you think of the biggest organism. But the record actually belongs to a specimen ofPosidonia australisseagrass (aka Poseidon’s Ribbon Weed) in Shark Bay, Australia. ...
But to find the real all-time greats, we have to leave the animal kingdom. The most massive single organism ever, by mass, is the Giant Sequoia tree, found right here in my home state of California and the Sierra Nevada mountains. A single tree can mass over 900 metric tons, more th...
Growingup, I was often the first Jewish person my classmates had ever met. I lived inMississauga, Ontario, and was the only Jewish student in my grade -- sometimesthe only one in the whole school. This difference s...
“There was this moment where our private secretary, she worked for the queen for, I think, 20 years, and what she said to me was, ‘[The palace is] like this fish that is swimming perfectly, powerful, it’s on the right current and one day this little organism comes in. This fore...
That's a good song. Hold on!' and I wrote it down," he recalls with a chuckle. "That's a couple of Valentine's Days and Christmas presents already there. If I ever forget one day, I'll just be like, 'Hey, remember 'What Makes You Beautiful'?" ...