Although economic bubbles are not that rare, people repeatedly fail to recognize risky, speculative trading as it’s happening.
The average U.S. home lost one-third of its value when the housing bubble burst in 2009, resulting in the largest global economic contraction since the 1930s Depression, ushering in what has come to be known as the Great Recession. Below are five of the biggest asset bubbles in history, ...
China Sitting on Biggest of All Economic Bubbles?
What are some of the economic downfalls of the stock market? What was the role of the stock market and speculation in the Great Depression of 1929? What caused the Great Recession? (a) What is the history of Facebook IPO's? Where does the money go when stock markets crash?
Greatest Time in History Starts Now - Bo Polny Next 6 Months Completely Insane – Bill Holter No Way Financial System Survives - Bill Holter Driving America into a Brick Wall - Bill Holter Fed Will Be Forced to Raise Rates to Defend the Dollar - Bill Holter ...
Banks cannot do many of the things that need to be done to fix our economy. In the interest of limiting space, I’ll talk about only five economic priorities. I think banks can be helpful in only a few of these priorities. The most important thing we can do with financial institutions...
Facebook's IPO became the largest tech offering – and third largest overall -- in U.S. history. In the parlance of global IPO history, however, this is peanuts. Initial public offerings are as high as high finance gets. When a well-known, formerly private company goes public, investors...
BUBBLES AND TESTS As in Tokyo, no international spectators will be allowed at the Beijing Winter Games, and local attendance at event sites is likely to be curtailed. Olympic participants must consistently test negative before being allowed to board specially arranged flights to Beijing. On arrival...
The Swiss National Bank has spent years creating Swiss francs, buying dollars, euros, and other currencies with those francs, and then buying assets denominated in those currencies – including a vast portfolio of US stocks. But that gig is up, it seems. As...
This is probably going to be the biggest scandal in U.S. history–once it’s busted. I think they are quietly working on it now, and I think they have been for the last year. It is so huge the arrests and indictments could cause a Constitutional crisis with some people being removed...