On ABC’s reality show “Shark Tank,” entrepreneur contestants pitch their ideas, hoping to get funding from a panel of high-brow investors including Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec, Daymond John and Kevin O’Leary. We checked back in on nine companies with some...
Connie Chen
"#SharkTank was weird to watch 4 sharks throw 750k on a mead company. Seemed like they had no understanding of the mead landscape and just compared it to wine." A fifth one felt he was charging too much money. "I would if he didn’t charge such a crazy price. The shark...
maker of a $10,000 plastic minicar that runs on compressed air. The deal would have doubled the previous record for the largestShark Tankinvestment ever, but ultimately fell apart during the due diligence process. Still, a handful of entrepreneurs have...
"Shark Tank" star Kevin O'Learyshared the biggest lesson learned during his investment "journey" with LinkedIn viewers on Monday, urging them to take risks and rely on a little luck. The O'Leary Ventures chairposteda videoto the platform, reflecting on his hits and misses since selling his...
One myth is that all entrepreneurs are founders of the companies they run. In fact, many business owners actually acquired existing companies. If you dream of running your own business, have management skills, ideas on how to grow and improve a company, and a strong work ethic, then acquisit...
“Trump’s actions are hurting Netflix employees around the world, and are so un-American it pains us all,” Hastings said on Facebook. Cuban said he would prefer for companies that he invested in to be outspoken about the policy. For instance, any company hoping to hire an talented en...
Keep track of the hottest new TikTok trends like dance challenges and trending audios that are taking over the For You Page and learn how to create your own TikTok videos with Clipchamp.
Aaron Krause is behind the biggest success story in 'Shark Tank' history. Here's how to apply what he's learned to win with your own business.
One of the biggest frustrations I personally have in dealing with companies is trying to get through the endless selections of a phone tree to speak to a 'live" person and I move on and go elsewhere when I can. The solution is simple! Hire someone to answer the phone rather than someone...