One of the biggest concerns in science is bias(偏见)-that scientists themselves, consciously or subconsciously may put their thumbs on the scales and influence the outcomes of experiments.Boffins have come up with all sorts of strategies to try to remove it, from having their colleagues repeat ...
China on Tuesday handed over 6,004 pieces of farm machinery and agricultural equipment to Bangladesh's Ministry of Agriculture under a grant aid program to help the country modernize its agriculture sector. WeChat becomes business tool as it tops rival Facebook's daily usage WeChat, the ubiquito...
And George Orwell’s Animal Farm clearly showed how the benevolent “all animals are equal” pigs in the beginning became the slovenly “but some are more equal than others” pigs at the end. Trump is not our savior. There is and remains only one, and He has never changed. For all of...
This fried chicken chain has been a beloved one in the South for decades, with hundreds of locations in 14 states to order the fried chicken combos of your dreams. Founded by Jack Fulk and Richard Thomas, Bojangles is an authentically Southern chain serving all quintessential foods like classic...
By Greg Hunter’s Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “I think we have three of the biggest bubbles in history. The bond market, stock market and the U.S. dollar . . . and something is going to go.” Roberts
Don't let the name fool you, Philadelphia Cream Cheese wasn't invented in Philly. In 1872 William Lawrence attempted to make a crumbly cheese on his farm in Chester when he mistakenly added too much cream. The result was a fantastic spreadable cheese that later became known as cream cheese...