Prodnose (Matt Lucas), and Fickelgruber (Mathew Baynton). This craven crew is known as the Chocolate Cartel, a group so powerful that they have the police and the clergy on their payroll. They're even able to employ a woman to permanently guard their under-cathedral...
Fresh out of high school with no job and no ambition, you’ve really got nothing going for you until an alien cartel that wants to get high off humanity invades Earth. Now, you and a team of charismatic talking guns must answer the hero’s call and become the deadliest intergalactic boun...
Thus far, the business media has overlooked the bombshell in the data: the biggest banks on Wall Street — the same ones the U.S. taxpayer bailed out in 2008 – have been making a market in their own stock inside the dark pools they own, right under the nose of FINR...
kingpins of all time. He established a powerful cartel that later split into two of Mexico's largest cartels, the Guadalajara and Sonora cartels. Key members of his Guadalajara Cartel went on to play important roles in the Sinola, Juarez, and Tijuana cartels after the Guadalajara cartel ...