including issuing a new price list to the trade, anditisaware that fellow traders have passed on the benefits to consumers through more favourable and frequent price discounts and providing customers with moreandbiggerreward promotions and other means such as even sponsorship, so as to benefit the...
Predicted means of antler length (cm, ± se) of 2 and 3 year-old males in estates with high (HC) and low (LC) male-male competition for mating opportunities. Graphic was generated using the generic function plot in R96. Full size image Molar height, a measure inversely related to tooth...
Disregarding, or simply underestimating, these factors means crystallize data inconsistencies and impurities into a shapeless structure that will be inadequate for supporting correct evidence-based decisions. Drawing upon scientific literature, among all the possible cases we could cite in support of our ...