Try to pay off debt or put money into savings before you ever splurge on anything. The case for using your refund to pay off credit card debt One of the best ways to use that big refund check is to pay down or pay off your credit card debts, especially if you’re car...
Home Down Payment Is Bigger Better? October 5, 2016Real Estate,Smart Spending Is a bigger mortgage a better option for the long-run? Together, my wife and I earn close to $300K per year. How much should we put down on our house? Would buying a bigger mortgage home pay off in the ...
Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Best-selling author and economic expert Doug Casey says another financial meltdown worse than the last one is coming soon. Casey says, “I was saying in 2007 that we were going into a gigantic financi
We may also fail to think through the full cost involved. Let’s say we trade up to a larger house. Most of us would need to take out a bigger mortgage, and that would mean either a larger monthly mortgage payment or a longer time until the loan is paid off, and possibly both. In...
Rising mortgage rates mean some borrowers—who must meet lenders’ strict debt-to-income ratios—will lose their mortgage eligibility. Borrowers who do maintain their mortgage eligibility could still be deterred by the additional cost it adds to their payment. A borrower who took on a $500,000...
The question I have been thinking about is whether it is my ego making me want to buy a bigger house or practicality. I'm hoping it's because we simply want to live a better life. I recently submitted an offer for a single family home. Why would I do such a thing, especially given...
In addition, the level of backlog does not necessarily guarantee future revenues, as clients have the ability to cancel contracts or decrease the scope of work without having to pay the full contracted payment. In the event that IQVIA faces the headwinds listed above, one could imagine clients...