Ice Cube‘s popular three-on-threebasketballleague, BIG3, is setting down roots. Since its founding in 2017, the 12-team league featuring former NBA and international players has barnstormed around the country setting up shop in cities and playing a series of games, with last...
On April 28th, the BIG3 China headquarters announced its official entry into the E.C.PARK Cloud Sharing New Economy Ecological Park in Guangzhou Zengcheng, marking the arrival of the legendary BIG3 in China. The BIG3 league was founded in 2017 by former American basketball superstar Allen Ivers...
That’s the same mindset that drew another Basketball Hall of Famer,Nancy Lieberman, to the league. Lieberman played in the Women’s Professional Basketball League and WNBA. She also came in with years of coaching experience: in the WNBA, NBA D-League (head coach of ...
Big3 League Basketball Is Fourth In Friday Ratings Time Slot The Big3 League, a new half-court collective backed by Ice Cube and film/TV producer Jeff Kwatinetz that brings together some past National Baskeball League stars, clanked off the ratings rim for Fox in its 8-10 Pm Friday slot...
然而人红是非多,有了名气的BIG3联盟最近也惹上了麻烦。据《纽约邮报》记者雅各布斯报道,近几年成立的冠军联盟(Champion Basketball League)指控BIG3联盟利用不正当手段挖走了他们的球星,并提出了索赔2.5亿美元的诉讼要求。CBL的创始人卡尔-乔治表示,他们在2014年成立,而BIG3的联合创始人艾斯库伯和杰夫-夸提...
人怕出名猪怕壮,BIG3联盟刚刚打出一些名气,就被盯上了。最近,他们面临一笔索赔金额高达2.5亿美金的官司,而起诉他们的是最近几年刚成立的冠军联盟(Champion Basketball League,简称为CBL)。他们指控BIG3通过不正当手段挖走他们的球星,并盗取他们的一些创意。
The BIG3 is a3 on 3 Professional Basketball League founded by executive Jeff Kwatinetz and Musician Ice Cube.Stated earlier, it’s a short season, with 2 weeks of post season basketball. In addition, theleague consists of NBA players who are either past NBA Champions, past All-Stars, and ...
“I’m looking to the opporutunity of continuing to learn the game of basketball,” Martin said. “I think this is really huge,” Lewis added. “When I got the call, it was a no-brainer,” AI said. “You can’t say no to Ice Cube.” ...
九、特雷西-麦克格雷迪 退役后的麦迪如今是一名篮球评论员,和许多NBA球星一样,麦迪在球员时期就投资了许多产业,包括棒球、餐厅、体育科技公司,并且创办了自己的篮球联赛。Ones Basketball League值得一提的一点,麦迪的大儿子雷蒙-麦克格雷迪将来也有希望登录NBA。十、马努-吉诺比利 和雷阿伦一样,吉诺比利退役后也迷上...
Black commissioner, the first basketball league with female head coaches, and the first professional sports league to allow the use of CBD. In 2024, Ice Cube was honored at the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, where he received ...