To provide an example of what R language looks like, let’s code for the mean of primes, which can be stated in pseudo code as the AVERAGE (first prime**3, second prime**3, and so on to infinity) is always a simple integer. To go one step further, let’s say that this new ma...
Implementing the word count in Spark (Scala code) is much simpler than implementing word count in Hadoop MapReduce. In addition to Scala, you can create Spark applications in Java and Python, which is the language I’m using in this article. Before Spark, with Hadoop Ma...
Ask HN: What do you code when learning a new language/framework? The seven programming ur-languages: ALGOL, Lisp, ML, Self, Forth, APL, Prolog Lua: The Little Language That Could There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses. -- Bjarne...
"Big" is a common word in the English language used to describe something of large size, extent, or importance. On the other hand, "beeg" isn't a standard word in English. Instead, it's a representation of how "big" might be pronounced with certain accents or in specific dialects. Us...
That value becomes the key for the reducer, which will then eliminate duplicates. That’s the same principle used in the sample word count application available for HDInsight. Removing any comments and validation code, the following code demonstrates the main entry po...
"Natural" is a general natural language facility for node.js. Tokenizing, stemming, classification, phonetics, tf-idf, WordNet, string similarity, and some inflections are currently supported.It's still in the early stages, so we're very interested in bug reports, contributions and the like....
That value becomes the key for the reducer, which will then eliminate duplicates. That’s the same principle used in the sample word count application available for HDInsight. Removing any comments and validation code, the following code demonstrates the main entry point for the mapper application...
Converting Legacy Code to Use Generics Acknowledgements Full-Screen Exclusive Mode API Full-Screen Exclusive Mode Display Mode Passive vs. Active Rendering Double Buffering and Page Flipping BufferStrategy and BufferCapabilities Examples Preparation for Java Programmer Language Certification...
To provide an example of what R language looks like, let’s code for the mean of primes, which can be stated in pseudo code as the AVERAGE (first prime**3, second prime**3, and so on to infinity) is always a simple integer. To go one step further, let’s say that this new ma...
5 @dlintw/cpp2go Show code hint for C/C++ coder converting to Google Go language 3 @dlintw/GoRM Simple ORM-like thingy for Go (wrapper around SQLite3 for now) ↗️ 2 @a2n/go_logger Go logger wrapper 2 @go-gas/config config manager for go-gas/gas framework 2 @go-gas/sessio...