This large-sized breedhas a warm, soft, multiple-colored coat. It’s an energetic, herding dog that likes hunting, running, and herding. These dogs are affectionate and friendly to their family, especially the kids. However, they don’t relate well with the cats. When it comes to training...
Said to be one of the smartest dog breeds around, golden retrievers are known as one of the happiest and friendliest dog breeds you can add to a family. These dogs have carved out their niche as seeing-eye dogs or guide dogs, which is one of the reasons why purchasing...
Despite their imposing size (which comes in handy when they're playing watchdog!), Great Danes are sweet and friendly. They come in lots of colors, but the black-and-white "harlequin" coloring is perhaps the most iconic.Weight: 110 to 175 pounds onetouchspark//Getty Images 40 Mastiff ...
Typically tipping the scales at 50-80 pounds (although some varieties may skew slightly larger or smaller), these large dog breeds can be great for families who want an active exercise pal or a pet that's easy to train. And if you've never cuddled a dog the size of a small pony, ...
Huskies will also bond closely with other dog breeds, especially herding breeds like blue heelers, and, under some circumstances, household cats. Define “positivity training. ”Reward positive behavior.” Yes. Constantly. Especially if you are raising a husky under two years of age, you really...
The Belgian Tervuren is a bright, medium-sized herding dog. The breed is known to be affectionate and possessive with loved ones. The Belgian Tervuren loves hard work, challenging play, and learning to master tasks. #41. Australian shepherd (tie) ...
Airedale Terriers, known for their distinctive wiry short coat, possess a low-maintenance grooming requirement compared to many other dog breeds. While their coat doesn't demand intensive grooming, regular attention is still necessary to maintain their appearance and overall well-being. Here's a com...
Their trademark "herding eye" made them excellent for controlling flocks of sheep, a task for which they are still commonly used today. In addition to sheep herding, border collies are great competitors in agility, flyball, flying disc, and other dog sports. Border collies are ideal fits for...
Jack's owner recently purchased a new Halloween decoration from Home Depot. The life-size plastic black lab is decked out in bright white skeleton bones. A white mask circles its eyes.Home Depot photoIn the daylight, the decorative dog is a bit startling. It may be even worse at night wh...
Today, the breed is considered the ultimate companion thanks to its cheerful demeanor and cloud-like white fur coat that makes the dog resemble a child's toy. Because of their exceptional affection, these dogs are also prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time and ...