While the number of data sets stored on repositories such as The European Union Open Data portal and the American data catalogue shows researchers’ and public institutions’ willingness to share data sets, citizens should be concerned about who will reuse these data sets and for what purposes. ...
Ce Produit a été conçu et fabriqué pour le modèle et l'application particulière indiqués dans le catalogue de AP Racing ou sur son site web (www.apracing.com). Ce Produit doit être utilisé en respectant les lois et règlementations en vigueur dans les états et/ou les pays ...
BodyPass has defined an anthropometric data dictionary, or data catalogue, to accomplish seamless integration with and smart access to the various heterogeneous data sources (see Sect. 2.1). • Templates to harmonize 3D datasets and facilitate 3D data exchange (Sect. 2.2). • 3D anonymization ...
(2014) Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Various — Oracle, Biomart Forbes et al. (2011) Abbreviations: DB=database; DBMS ¼ Database Management System; GI ¼ gastrointestinal cancer; ICR ¼ The Institute of Cancer Research, London; QMUL ¼...
According to its label and the catalogue, the cast was made at the (then) British Museum (Natural History) in 1937, apparently during a visit by Shaw, who mentions having made comparisons with ostrich femora kept at the BM(NH). In the absence of the original, this cast provides important...
The project titled "Integrated Ultra-low Emission Technology and Equipment Utilizing Tube-Shaped Catalytic Ceramic Fiber Filters", developed by Shanghai Electric Environmental Protection Group, has been successfully selected for inclusion in this catalogue. The technology, previously featured in the 2022 ...
B. Hayes: "Arming Big Brother. The EU's Security Research Programme", Transnational Institute, TNI Briefing series, Nº 2006/1. www.statewatch.org/analyses/bigbrother.pdfHayes, B. (2006). Arming Big Brother. The EU's Security Resarch Programme. (W. van der Zeijden, Ed.) Retrieved ...
Data logger CAT Catalogue Description: Data logger Channels=1 Temperature Wi-Fi Dimensions L x W x H: 97.5 x 71.5 x 26.5 mm Temperature range: -270 ... +1300 °C Data logger for: Temperature Delivery with: Bracket / Temperature Probe / USB Cable Display: LCD Display Electrical supply: ...
Abstract With over 4.57 billion people using the Internet in 2020, the amount of data being generated has exceeded 2.5 quintillion bytes per day. This rapid increase in the generation of data has pushed the applications of big data to new heights; one of which is cybersecurity. The paper aim...
The cross-comparison of items of information takes into account their specific values in a particular area, e.g., the infrastructure with regard to buildings is unsuitable at the city. These items of information are some of the items that comprise the information requirements catalogue. The connec...