LEBOWSKI ...By God sir. I will not abide another toe. COFFEE SHOP The Dude and Walter sit at the counter, both staring off into space, both absently stirring their coffee with little clinking noises. AFTER A LONG BEAT: WALTER That wasn't her toe. ...
You don't wanna know about it, believe me. DUDE But Walter-- WALTER I'll get you a toe by this afternoon--with nail polish. These fucking amateurs. They send us a toe, we're supposed to shit our- selves with fear. Jesus Christ. My point is-- DUDE They're gonna kill her, ...
I watch in horror as Nana Masseuse’s beady eyes survey my toes with laser focus. Her mouth twists into a tight, red knot and she pulls my toes one by one out of their sockets with a clicking noise. Then she flicks each toe with her fingers. At least they’re still attached. ...
So what if you’re a little bit older, So what if you ache from head to toe, So what if your ears are full of hair, So what if you got no get up and go. So what if you have laugh lines, So what if you have arms of Jello, So what if you suddenly feel decrepit, Your dec...
The mens and unisex are a bit rounder in the toe. As with the men’s range of footwear, Docs for women run true to size for the most part. Again, the exceptions are the 1460, Jadon, and Chelsea. Likewise, women with half-size fittings should consider dropping down a size, depending...