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That just gives me the creeps.Big time. Surely, this is going to become an issue in future episodes, right? Say, a “No more having sex with other people while you’re in someone else’s body” rule? Or not, because it sure seems to keep happening. What happens if, er, they impr...
It is out first time to go to this place and Ms. Grace our guide is amazing! She really hands on and very helpful to our tour. She had gone extra mile not only to us but to other guest also. Because of her we will come back with our family a...
Airline Tickets The optimal time to get the lowest price on a ticket for a domestic flight is 47 days in advance, according to a study by But don’t panic if you need to lock in your itinerary earlier or if you just missed the 47-day mark. The pricing study found tha...
As soon as he gave Ian what he’d asked, tension poured from Ian’s body, flush against Jamie’s, in a rush of loosening muscle and helpless shivers. “My heart is yours. My body is yours. Into your care, I give everything I am and ever will be.” “As I receive, I gift ...
1- Cheap theater tickets Please don’t ever pay full price for theater tickets in New York. There are many ways to receive amazingly discounted tickets. You can go to one of the TKTS booths (the one by Lincoln Center is the nicest and is usually the least crowded) and purchase half-pri...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Like the cheap deals on airlines, these tickets go fast and must be booked online so grab bargains now for the A ugu st ho lid a ys. For more information go to the website at www.nationalexpress.comSTAY IN A BARN: pounds 7BUT not just any barn. Lakeland Camping Barns are ...
We ducked into the restaurant for another round to wait out the sudden downpour. By the time it was all said and done, it was nearly 4pm again. We didn’t want to rush through a museum that late in the day, so we gave up. ...
One time during rush hour, getting across the Bay Bridge to pick up my parents from the airport took 1.5 hours, a distance of only about 20 miles. Now, it is a joy to drive anywhere at any time! The more people who move out, the higher the chance you can find an empty public ...