《Big Think》 《Big Think》是由一群美国高级知识分子创建,是一个将YouTube和Facebook结合起来的视频分享网站,邀请当代哲人及各行业领袖分享思想,并提供机会让浏览者参与论辩各类议题。简单来说,就是集来自世界各地的思想家和实践家的访谈、座谈、会谈于一体,话题非常广泛,一定能够拓展视野、增长见识。 本次收录整理...
For example, if you wear a lot of jewelry, it will be difficult for the psychic to focus on your energy. This is because jewelry pieces are often made of different metals, which can interfere with the psychic’s ability to connect with you. Many think that this is not important, but ...
The purpose of think big & think small meetings is to develop a shared understanding of goals by discussing vision, roadmap, research, design, and delivery of upcoming features.
YouTube, and video games are often just a click away,hamperingfull comprehension of texts. Because youth tend to have impaired impulse control, they can be more susceptible than adults to distractions when engaging in digital reading. They also are less likely to have mastered vocabulary and gra...
BackgroundYouTube is one of the largest social networking websites, allowing users to upload and view video content that provides entertainment and conveys many messages, including those related to health conditions, such as concussion. However, little is known about the content of videos relating ...
Think Big ActBigger IFWDubai11thYearSeason19&IFWParisSeason5 FashionWeekin2025ComingSooninDubai&Paris FashionWeekin2025ComingSooninDubai&Paris OurPresence Paris Application Milan Application Dubai Showroom Applications / Runway Applications London Application...
PascalEmmanuel Gobry
I think the only thing that surprises me the most isn't that it happened but that it took so long and how PornHub didn't think in their previous business model it wouldn't happen at all? (The whole amatuer or whatever YouTube-Pornish take on their site) Last edited by a moderator...
How to think about the ethical implications of your work, to help ensure that you're making the world a better place and that your work isn't misused for harm ... 🔗Link to Course Machine Learning with Graphs (Stanford) To learn some of the latest graph techniques in machine learning:...
留学之我在youtube上大学🤣。Big Think✅ Big Think这个频道有数上千个视频,从哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学等顶尖学府的研究,到比尔克林顿、比尔奈的专家课程,涉及心理学、社会学、经济学等多个领域。目标是帮助你探索21世纪定义知识的大思想和核心技能。