Big screen(就是那个免费虚拟桌面+可以一起看片的公司)的超轻VR,薄纱了松下VR。 2560x2560@90hz micro-oled屏幕 127g,自带灯塔定位模块(而松下需要额外加导致300+g) 瞳距比较特别,跟眼镜一样定制的固定瞳距。 同样可以人脸扫描,定制完全贴合脸型的面罩。
经过几个月的等待,我终于收到了Big Screen VR眼镜!这款眼镜是目前市场上最轻便、最贴合脸部的VR设备之一。下单后,系统会要求使用苹果设备进行面部扫描,以确保最佳的佩戴体验。超柔软的橡胶材质和磁吸连接设计,使得佩戴更加舒适,即使是长时间使用也不会感到疲劳。这款眼镜的磁吸连接设计不仅轻巧,而且易于更换镜片,特别...
在《周五新闻日》中,我们为您带来Big Screen最新发布的VR头显设备——Big Screen Beyond 2。这款设备彻底解决了前代产品的局限性,包括更小的视场角和不可调节的IPD问题。Beyond 2采用了全新的光学模组设计,视场角提升至116度对角线,并引入了可调节IPD的功能,用户可以通过头显侧面的小螺丝进行调整。此外,Big ...
such as educational games and virtual reality (VR), to make lessons more engaging and effective. For those with special needs, technology has been a game-changer. Voice recognition software, screen readers, and
Empower your workforce with Lenovo's virtual desktop infrastructure solutions. Our remote work solutions feature high-performance hardware and industry-leading VDI software. Learn more Why Lenovo Smarter Infrastructure for the Data-Centered Lenovo empowers the Data-Centered with the technology, tools, and...
Empower your workforce with Lenovo's virtual desktop infrastructure solutions. Our remote work solutions feature high-performance hardware and industry-leading VDI software. Learn more Why Lenovo Smarter Infrastructure for the Data-Centered Lenovo empowers the Data-Centered with the technology, tools, and...
Slim 6.9-mm bezels deserve much of the credit for the manageable dimensions. They allow the massive 17.3” screen to squeeze into a body just 15.7” wide, so you can stow the system in most conventional laptop bags and backpacks. The GX701 is the most compact 1...
Valve has released a new desktop update for the Steam Stable Client, and along with it comes the option to use the New Big Picture Mode. However, they broke it on Linux, at least for NVIDIA. You can try out the New Big Picture Mode by launching Steam with "-gamepadui"...
Games themselves as well as desktop control are normal. And the colors are normal for me, too. Yup, typical Linux VR experience. Oh, Valve. If anyone wants to add their thumbs and data to the issue: Last edited by TheSHEEEP...
In summary, the big Screen Android system 3D Smart Video Glasses are the ultimate all-in-one VR solution, offering an unparalleled 3D cinema experience right in the palm of your hands. With advanced features and a user-friendly interface, these glasses are perfect for anyone looking to elevate...