The article discusses whether the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will have an impact on energy and environmental policy in the U.S. The author notes that the large oil spill resulting from the 1989 Exxon Valdez accident in Prince William Sound, Alaska, did not result in a major...
The enormous offshore oil rig was located in the Gulf of Mexico when a catastrophic failure caused a massive explosion and a raging, inextinguishable fire that eventually sunk the rig. The result was the largest oil spill in U.S. history and, as reported by the Press-Register of Southern...
A Gumbo of Catastrophic Effects-The Effects of the BP Oil Spill Measured during the Oil Spill and Six Months after the Oil Spill on Three Towns in South Lo... In April 2010, the BP licensed Transocean drilling rig Deepwater Horizon sank in the Gulf of Mexico claiming eleven lives and sen...
The Big Fix: Regia di Joshua Tickell, Rebecca Harrell Tickell. Con Peter Fonda, Amy Smart, Joshua Tickell, Rebecca Harrell Tickell. A documentary that examines the April 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico following the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon
Also at MIT, when Cesar Harada heard about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, he quit his dream job there and tried to develop a more efficient way to remove the oil. But rather than focusing on profit, he decided to ‘open-source’ the design. He shared his own ideas ...
You folks been following the big British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? I'm telling you, British Petroleum has put more birds in oil than Colonel Sanders. —David Letterman 0 You put a big bird in a small cage, it'll sing you a song —Patrick Watson ...
BP’s finances should improve, however. The company recently agreed to pay $18.7 billion to settle state and federal charges related to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. BP has now racked up $54.6 billion in pretax charges related to the spill, potentially putting the bulk of claims beh...
oil spill in the Gulf. Increasingly, his work has centered on plastics. “This is a much bigger problem than ‘just’ an ocean issue, or even a pollution issue,” he says. “We’ve found plastic everywhere we’ve ever looked. It’s in the Arctic and the Antarctic and in the middle...
Researchers say previously unknown microbe thriving by eating spilled oil in Gulf of Mexico A newly discovered type of oil-eating microbe is suddenly flourishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists discovered the new microbe while studying the underwater dispersion of millions of gallons of oil spilled...
Having announced plans to raise $20 billion for a fund to help the victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP said it would sell $10 billion in non-core oil and gas producing assets. Most of these divestments are expected to be outside ... GMT Group - 《Gas Matters Today》 被引...