To me, the most important part of a project is the writing and so far, I am enjoying Ha Ram’s style. “Big Mouth” has been one of the most interesting kdramas of 2022 thus far. There are many reasons why this happened but it also depended highly on the writing. The writing styl...
今天韓媒透露一則重磅消息,潤娥即將接拍的電視劇《Big Mouth》和李鐘碩成為小夫妻!只能說,這種神仙組合絕對不能錯過啊!《Big Mouth》除了目前傳出的卡司陣容十分亮眼外,製作團隊也是鑽石等級,由《奇皇后》、《VEGABOND》夫妻編劇張英哲、鄭景順擔當,導演則是《德魯納酒店》、《Start-Up:我的新創時代》、《當你...