To me, the most important part of a project is the writing and so far, I am enjoying Ha Ram’s style. “Big Mouth” has been one of the most interesting kdramas of 2022 thus far. There are many reasons why this happened but it also depended highly on the writing. The writing styl...
由《德魯納酒店》導演執導的全新韓劇《Big Mouth》即將在下半年開拍,目前所知的角色有望由潤娥、以及李鐘碩合演夫妻檔,超高顏值的兩位,似乎要在劇中扮演半吊子夫妻?! 《Big Mouth》故事圍繞在李鐘碩有望飾演、勝訴率10%蹩腳律師「朴昌浩」偶然接到一樁殺人案,接連遇到奇怪事件、並挖掘背後真相的故事。 潤娥有望...