Inflation rate in G20 countries 2024 Inflation rate and central bank interest rate 2024, by selected countries Monthly inflation rates in developed and emerging countries 2021-2024 Inflation rate in Europe in October 2024, by country Big Mac index worldwide 2024 ...
fraction/'frækʃ(ə)n/ n. 少量,一点儿 McDonald’s Big Mac麦当劳巨无霸 stretch/stretʃ/ v. 足够买(或支付) foreign-exchange market外汇市场 inflation/ɪn'fleɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 物价上涨(率),通货膨胀(率) peg/peg/ vt. (~sth at/to sth)(usually ...
Big Mac Indexn. 大麦当劳指数(用来比较在世界各国,一般的工薪族需工作多长时间才能挣得买一个大麦当劳汉堡的钱) Big Mac麦当劳连锁快餐店卖的大号汉堡“巨无霸” freddie macphr. 房地美(房贷公司);弗雷德马克 Mac Pherson麦克弗森(姓氏) plastic mac塑料雨衣 ...
31年前,《经济学人》创造了巨无霸指数(the Big Mac index),用来衡量不同货币相对于美元的估值程度。该指数基于购买力平价理论,即从长远来看,汇率应该会自行调整,使相同的一篮子可交易商品价格趋于一致。我们的篮子里就一件商品:一个巨无霸汉堡。 The latest version of the index shows, for example, that a Big...
The Big Mac Index is a tool devised by economists in the 1980s to examine whether the currencies of various countries offer roughly equal levels of basic affordability.
Most important, he fails to address the elephant in the room, which is the fact that families, at best, were on a treadmill during the Biden years. There was little ofno increase in household incomeafter adjusting for inflation. P.S. There must be mass delusion at theWashington Post. One...
The Big Mac index is a measurement sometimes used to discern thedifference in purchasing power paritybetween two countries where BicMacs are sold. It began as somewhat of an economics joke, but it turned out to be fairly reliable. Is the Big Mac Index a Good Indicator of Inflation? The cos...
Do Changes in the Big Mac Index Indicate Inflation? The costs of raw materials, labor, transportation, taxes, and others are priced into Big Macs, so it's safe to say that the price of a Big Mac can reflectinflationary pressures. Economists consider the consumer price index the most accurat...
Big Mac Index,是PPP 的一种,一个工人要上班多久才能购买一个汉堡。它也用来比 较各国间货币汇率差。计算BIG MAC INDEX 时汇率不需转换。但是这个指数不能反 映各地政府税的价格附加因素。此外各地区利润原因,标价也是不一样。还有有些食 料是国外进口要运输费。这个指数反映的是当地的租金+生产成本+人工+...
Similarly, the yuan's future real appreciation could come through faster inflation in China than in the United States. The Big Mac index is most useful for assessing the exchange rates of countries with similar incomes per head. Thus, among emerging markets, the yuan does indeed look ...