麦当劳在全世界的餐厅都有这些经典产品: 巨无霸:Big Mac 薯条:Fries 甜筒:Cones 双层吉士汉堡:Double Cheese Burger 开心乐园餐:Happy Meal 点餐用语篇 堂食还是外卖:For here or to go 来一份套餐: A meal或者A set都可以 第二份半价:Second half price 买一赠一:Buy one get one free 未来体验篇 你可能...
麦当劳在全世界的餐厅都有这些经典产品: 巨无霸:Big Mac 薯条:Fries 甜筒:Cones 双层吉士汉堡:Double Cheese Burger 开心乐园餐:Happy Meal 点餐用语篇 堂食还是外卖:For here or to go 来一份套餐: A meal或者A set都可以 第二份半价:Second half price 买一赠一:Buy one get one free 你学会了吗?
Chicken Big Mac惊艳不了中国胃 据说McDonald's 麦当劳家的超级鸡腿堡,现在限定供应,是有多特别吗? 话说,超级鸡腿堡我们家好像不怎么吃~ 今天不开火,在给小公主买 Happy meal 同时,给自己和家属各买了一个超级鸡腿堡试试。 给叔公准备了一个 超级牛堡。 Chicken Big Mac 是 $4.69 Big Mac $4.29 都装在盒...
真是一点癈话都没有.肯德基里油炸锅上的英文按键中文翻译DROP 已到设定温度可以下锅FILL 沥油 厨房是K区KM是腌制 KB是油炸OK是开店 CK是打烊McDaonalds:包类:Mc Chicken 麦香鸡Mc Oz 一种主要成分为蔬菜的汉堡Big Mac 巨无霸Cheese 17、Burger 芝士汉堡Quarter Pounder汉堡fillet-o-fish 麦香鱼炸类:French Fries...
Largest Order Ever for Happy Meal Promotion Beanie Babies Cry for Big Mac
the unhealthy effects of burgers and fries” and it’s better for your health to avoid fatty foods entirely, it’s better to reduce your risk of heart attack any way possible, and “taking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same degree as a fast food meal in...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的麦克唐纳德·比格马克(McDonald BIGMAC), 本站编号45277968, 该创意片库素材大小为10m, 时长为30秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 更多精彩创意片库素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 [] 感兴趣。
Big Mac 巨无霸 Cheese Burger 芝士汉堡 Quarter Pounder汉堡 fillet-o-fish 麦香鱼 炸类: French Fries 薯条 McNugget鸡块 hash brown薯饼 甜品: ice cream(cone)雪糕桶 sundae圣代 Milk Shake奶昔 Apple Pie苹果派 餐类: Happy Meal开心乐园餐 McValue Meal 应该是经济餐之类吧,有中可乐,薯条,包可自选。 最...
Turns out the hats were for a 1984 promotion to promote the Big Mac, and while employees got them for free, you could have snagged one for yourself for the very '80s price of 99 cents (with the purchase of a Big Mac, large fries and a drink). ...
Turns out the hats were for a 1984 promotion to promote the Big Mac, and while employees got them for free, you could have snagged one for yourself for the very '80s price of 99 cents (with the purchase of a Big Mac, large fries and a drink). ...