59 @timdream/jszhuyin JS 注音:JavaScript 自動選字注音輸入法;"Smart" Chinese Zhuyin Input Method in JavaScript. ↗️ 57 @comdan66/OA-material Material ui design for the web ↗️ 50 @chentsulin/generator-redux-app Scaffold out a redux app 48 @chentsulin/redux-boilerplate Another boilerpl...
766 Toeplitz Matrix C#(96ms) O(M*N) O(1) 767 Reorganize String C#(84ms) O(N) O(1) 771 Jewels and Stones C#(68ms) O(N+M) O(N) 772 Basic Calculator III C#(76ms) O(N) O(N) 773 Sliding Puzzle C#(112ms) O(NM(N*M)!) O(NM(N*M)!) 777 Swap Adjacent in LR...
to enter the shell, which is based on Scala interpreter. So you can run any valid Scala expressions in the shell. In the simplest case, you can use it as a calculator. Besides, all high-level Smile operators are predefined in the shell. By default, the shell uses up to 4GB memory. ...