“We have been offering this program for some 35 years so we are not newcomers, and are known and established. We require solid mathematical prerequisites before starting (a rigorous three-semester calculus sequence, plus a course in linear algebra). While we use many advanced and commercial-str...
MATH Google Scholar Cheng G, Berkhahn F. Entity embeddings of categorical variables. CoRR. 2016. arXiv:1604.06737. Lacey M. Categorical data. 2019. http://www.stat.yale.edu/Courses/1997-98/101/catdat.htm. Accessed 23 Sept 2019. Lane DM. Online statistics education: an interactive multimed...
Flink-ML is a machine learning library currently in development for the Flink platform. It supports implementations of Logistic Regression, k-Means Clustering, and Alternating Least Squares (ALS) for recommendation. It also supports Mahout’s DSL (Domain Specific Language) for linear algebra which ca...