Shop Big Lots Furniture for low prices on modern furniture, including chairs, sofas and couches, office furniture, mattresses & bedroom furniture and more.
Browse all Big Lots locations to shop the latest furniture, mattresses, home decor & groceries.
2022年第一季度,Big Lots因家具产品短缺无法扩大销售量,而同年11月,其供应商United Furniture Inds. 突然倒闭进一步加剧这一情况。今年春季,Big Lots推出一系列新产品,但销售成绩并不理想。第二季度,其总净零售额下降15.4%至11.39亿美元,可比销售下降14.6%。目前,Big Lots从减少成本,与提升生产力两方面...
United Furniture Industries公司 是Big Lots公司的Broyhill家具品牌 的主要供应商。 首席执行官布鲁斯·索恩(Bruce Thorn) 在电话中表示, United Furniture Industries公司 于11月“出乎意料且没有 提前通知”停止运营, 导致大量订单没有完成。 索恩说,Big Lots公司只能依靠 其他供应商来减轻影响。 家具约占Big Lots公...
The article reports on increased sales of furniture for retailer Big Lots during the second quarter of 2015 and presents views of David Campisi, president at Big Lots, on business strategies adopted along with Ashley Furniture and United Furniture.EBSCO_bspFurniture/today...
Your one-stop shop for BIG deals that make your dollar holler! Save on brands like Broyhill, Swiffer, & Doritos. Plus easy curbside pickup, & same-day delivery!
Your one-stop shop for BIG deals that make your dollar holler! Save on brands like Broyhill, Swiffer, & Doritos. Plus easy curbside pickup, & same-day delivery!
United Furniture是Big Lots最大的供应商,United去年11月突然宣布永久停业,旗下包括United和Lane Home 约2700名员工全部被裁。与此同时,United还欠下供应商近1亿美元的货款未偿还。这包括中国、马来西亚和越南的生产商,据报道其中一些生产商已经 90 天或更长时间未收到付款。
Big Lots 总裁兼首席执行官 Bruce Thorn 于 3 月 2 日对分析师表示:“由于我们最大的供应商 United Furniture Industries 倒闭,导致产品缺货,我们的家具销售受到了不利影响。” 请注意,Thorn在与分析师交谈时使用“供应商”一词,而不是“合作伙伴”。
Your one-stop shop for BIG deals that make your dollar holler! Save on brands like Broyhill, Swiffer, & Doritos. Plus easy curbside pickup, & same-day delivery!