For those seeking Big Little Lies similar shows, a variety of options exists that embody the same level of entertainment value as the critically acclaimed series. These selections feature complex characters, emotional storytelling, and engaging mysteries to unravel. Shows and films like Big Little Lie...
Still, if you want to metabolize your mourning process as fast as possible, try taking a look at our roundup of similar shows that may fill the Big Little Lies-sized hole in your heart. In the meantime, scroll down to check out how the cast bid the show farewell. Reese Witherspoon ...
Big Little Lies isn't coming back for a third season. Here, we take a look at some shows to watch in its place, from Laura Dern's Enlightened to The L Word reboot to HBO's Succession.
Nicole Kidman, the superstar who has starred in shows like Big Little Lies, has joined Pen15 co-creator Maya Erskine’s limited series thriller based on the novel The Nanny Killer at HBO. According to Deadline, Kidman and Erskine will co-star and executive produce, while the latter will al...
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This season has done better at granting Bonnie similar knowability, largely through flashbacks and quick-cut mental images from her perspective. But she still seems far less developed than her other, whiter counterparts—which might be why, despite Kravitz’s heart-wrenching performance, her big ...
his single status. He does this in a very accomplished passive aggressive and haughty manner with little side eyed glances to partner and subtle gestures of indignation. He is basically telling Lisecki, "your obesity offends me, fat people are not desired in our community," without actually say...
I think a major benefit that Big Little Lies had about this season’s story was that the author of the book helped craft it, as she wrote a novella (or something of the like) to help David E. Kelly break the season. Who knows if GoT had something similar with George RR Martin. I...