Big Little Lies: Created by David E. Kelley. With Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley, Zoë Kravitz. The apparently-perfect lives of upper-class mothers of students at a prestigious elementary school unravel to the point of murder when a
IMDb LIVE After the Emmys 2017 3:22 Kathryn Newton Took Over Malibu With Reese Witherspoon for "Big Little Lies" Kathryn Newton 0:48 Big Little Lies: Tell-Tale Hearts Tell-Tale Hearts 2:00 Season 2 Trailer Big Little Lies 61 0:29 Big Little Lies: Season 1 Big Little Lies 1:05 Big...
But even back in June, “Big Little Lies” was destined to be a long shot for awards since it wasn’t eligble for the 2019 Primetime Emmy Awards due to its release date (certainly an effort by HBO to not interfer with the final season of “Game of Thrones”). That means, when the...
Based on the novel by Liane Moriarty of the same name, Big Little Lies premiered on HBO in 2017. The series follows five women in Monterey, California, who end up being swept into a murder investigation after a school fundraiser. The main cast features R
It’s Halloween on Big Little Lies, and everyone is dressed up as someone whose life isn’t totally falling apart! “She Knows” brings us past the halfway point of this seven-episode second season, and anyone still skeptical about the merits of continuing the Emmy-winning limited series cl...
When Madeline and Celeste take new-in-town single mom Jane under their wing, they don't realize how the arrival of Jane and her inscrutable little boy will affect them all. "Big Little Lies" is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, schoolyard scandal, and the dangerous little...
Having completed its second season, HBO’s seriesBig Little Lies, created byDavid E. Kelley, is nominated for a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Contemporary Makeup, for its fourth episode, “She Knows.” Makeup department headMichelle Radow, who has been in charge of the show’s makeup for...
by Thomas Waschenfelder The Streamable Alec Baldwin (I) ‘SNL’ Host Martin Short Welcomed to Five-Timers Club by Tom Hanks, Emma Stone, Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey and More 12/22/2024 by Anne McCarthy Variety Film + TV Tina Fey, John Mulaney, Tom Hanks and More Help Induct Martin Short ...
Last year, the show’s music supervisor Susan Jacobs took home the first ever Emmy Award for music supervision. The show also won the Emmy for Outstanding Limited Series. It has been renewed for a second season. Read “How Does the First-Grader on ‘Big Little Lies’ Have Such Killer Mus...
“Big Little Lies” returns June 9. Andrea Arnold directed every episode of the Emmy winner this season. Andrea ArnoldBig Little LiesBooksHBOWomen Directors RELATED Trailer Watch: Trace Lysette Confronts Her Painful Past with Patricia Clarkson in “...