Big Little Lies Audio Book Summary: Big Little Lies is a story of murder, lies and betrayal. As the celebration in Priwee Public Schools annual Trivia Night ends in tragedy with one person dead and a riot breaking out, the townsfolk tries to collect themselves after the events. However, it...
Big Little Lies: Created by David E. Kelley. With Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley, Zoë Kravitz. The apparently-perfect lives of upper-class mothers of students at a prestigious elementary school unravel to the point of murder when a
BIG LITTLE LIES is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, schoolyard scandal, and the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive.
bookshelf shop now amazon A compact history of a little-known WWI battle that inspired a well-known film. The battle for Lake Tanganyika may not be as thoroughly covered by historians as the battle of Verdun, but seizing control of the lake was strategically important to Great Britain, as ...
Alexander Skarsgård in Big Little Lies. Photo: HBO HBO’s Big Little Lies ended its run Sunday as both a commercial hit and, based on wave of critical raves for the finale, a creative triumph. And yet, it could have just as easily been Netflix soaking up the accolades right now. ...
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In the short film, ‘Dusty Jacobson is as excited about finally having a date as he is about boy bands but will HungBrad show up?’ That’s the bare bones of the story, but it’s in the manchild creation of Dusty that the interest in the short film lies. Falt co-wrote the film...
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Some years back, I was prompted to look closely at my SFF shelves. Always preferring little to no romance, aside from very few exceptions, I found the ratio was quite a bit horrendous, with about 80 male authors. And most of the books written by women were YA. So, I had a good lo...
We've compiled a list of all the HBO shows that have ever aired, with pictures from 'Big Little Lies,' etc.