The Big Issue Group is a growing social enterprise and B-corp. Founded in 1991, today we are needed more than ever. We exist as a social business to create impact and make a profit, always re-investing this profit back into extending our mission, to help millions of people in the UK ...
Advertising helps fund Big Issue’s mission to end poverty Inside the Big Issue: 40 years on from the miners’ strike Inside the Big Issue Inside the Big Issue: 40 years on from the miners’ strike Letters: Starmer and co aren’t changemakers – they’re change-talkers Letters Le...
We invest in Social Enterprises, Social-Purpose Businesses and Charities creating core solutions to end poverty in the UK. Founded by impact entrepreneurs John Bird and Nigel Kershaw, from the Big Issue Group, we are one of the leaders in social impact investing. Since 2005, we have invested ...
Big Issue Recruit, the latest innovative venture from Big Issue Group, is a specialist recruitment service, dedicated to supporting people who face barriers to joining the workforce into sustainable employment. It is a person-centred service and free to candidates, supporting individuals pre, during ...
在英国街头总会看到一些人 穿着荧光或红色的马甲,高举着手中的杂志 大声的叫卖 杂志的名字是 “THE BIG ISSUE” 杂志创办人高登·罗迪克(Gordon Roddick)是知名品牌美体小铺(The Body Shop)的 创始人之一。 …
All Rights Reserved.doi:10.1046/j.1467-3010.2002.00278.xG. GoldbergCROSSREFNutrition Bulletin
《大志》杂志(The Big Issue)是一本起源于伦敦的街头杂志,内容涵盖时事、商业、文化、科技等各类议题。作为英国社会企业的典型代表之一,《大志》的独特之处在于,它主要由“街友”(包括无家可归者和长期失业者等弱势群体)在街头进行售卖,以此让他们获得工作机...
《The Big Issue 大志》是The Big Issue 大誌出版的图书,作者是The Big Issue 大誌,張孝全 内容简介 第四十一期(2013.8.1) 「惡一向都是激進的,但從來不是極端的,它沒有深度,也沒有魔力,它可能毀滅整個世界,恰恰就因為它的平庸。」 — 漢娜 ‧ 鄂蘭 張孝全 夢想其實很簡單,如果你喜歡...
H. witha lotexperience in the field,saysthebigissueformanyclientsislosinggrouphealthinsurance. 她说,对很多客户来说,主要问题是担心失去集体健康保险。 8. Thebigissueispensions:annuitiesare farmorecommoninBritainthanelsewhereinEurope. ...