The detailed algorithm design is illustrated in Alg 2. The function TimeSeriesConversion () converts the principal components matrix into time series by shifting the input data frame according to the number of time steps [3], i.e., term length in this research. The processed dataset consists...
+ideas +safety +s2 +baby +beijing +db1 +nz +ie +dr +UN +athena +bd +ceshi +no +up +is +cg +iphone +welcome +red +domain +affiliates +control +class +voip +gps +cam +network +film +by +fi +track +nt +arc +pluto +jf +sdc +www6 +traveler +mt +a1 +telecom +voice +...
The above ideas represent a general interpretation, and isolated points could be seen in all thematic clusters that corresponded to topics that were developed at different times to those in their vicinity. It should be borne in mind that the colors assigned to the map in Figure 9 represent the...