The market for BOG merch was small but thriving. When the work day was over he’d join the rest of us on the bed for salmon, sushi or feta (depending on the night’s menu), and snooze while The BUG and I watched the latest episode of whatever had caught our eye on Netflix or S...
" Ye said of the album creations. "Like plastic surgery where like they get the BBL and they gotta drive in the car and they can't even sit on the pads. They definitely can't get on Spirit...then I'll tell Ty like the song like, 'the BBL is almost ready. It'...
DJ’s oldest kid is excited by this news because he’ll have his own room again but the middle kid aint havin’ it. The scene ends with a really long shot of the baby trying to eat a McDonald’s cheeseburger. The ladies all come home drunk and decide to call Michelle and leave he...