大数据,也就是国外常说的Big Data。IBM把大数据概括成3个V,即大量化(Volume)、多样化(Variety)和快速化(Velocity)。这些特点也反映了大数据潜藏的价值(Value),46V也高度概括了大数据的基本特征。目前对大数据比较一致的定义是:大数据是指无法在—定时间内用常规软件工具对其内容进行抓取、管理和...
4. “大数据(big data)“的定义——6个"V" 我们通过6个维度来定义什么是"大数据",这个维度的英文单词都是由字母"V"开头,所以也可以简记为6个“V”。分别是:Volume(规模)、Velocity(速度)、Variety(多样)、Veracity(质量)、Valence(连接)、Value(价值) Volume(规模):指的是每天产生的海量数据 Velocity(速度)...
另外,许多定义还指出,数据集太大,以致于传统的存储和处理数据的方法将行不通。big data的特征被称为3V,它们是: Volume(数量) variety(类型) Velocity (速度) 这些特性,有时还包括其他特性,通常被视为大数据的基本素质。 有时添加的最常见的第四个“ V”是“准确性”:数据是否正确,其准确性是否是值得信任的?
The 4 V’s of Big Data 当今的普遍共识是大数据是有特定的属性的。在大多数大数据圈中,它们被称为四个V:体积,种类,速度和准确性(volume, variety, velocity, veracity.)。 Volume 大数据的主要特征是数量庞大。只关注最小存储单元是没有意义的,因为信息总量每年都在成倍增长。
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Over time, these three Vs have expanded to six to include variability, veracity, and value. Those of us who appreciate mnemonic devices thank whoever came up with six descriptive words all starting with the letter V. Variabilitydeals with establishing context and comprehending how data is constantl...
As Big Data covers various fields and sectors, the meaning of this term should be specifically defined in accordance with the activity of the specific organization/person. For instance, in contrast to industry-driven Big Data “V’s” definitions, Dr. Ivo Dinov for his research scope listed ...
What are the 5 V's? The 5 V's are defined as follows: Velocityis the speed at which the data is created and how fast it moves. Volumeis the amount of data qualifying as big data. Valueis the value the data provides. Varietyis the diversity that exists in the types of data. ...