This is the team blog for the Big Data Analytics & NoSQL Support team at Microsoft. We support HDInsight which is Hadoop running on Azure in the cloud, as well as other big data analytics features.Rerunning many slices and activities in Azure Data FactoryToday someone asked me how to run...
La piattaforma Microsoft Azure offre potenti soluzioni Big Data, tra cui Azure Data Lake e HDInsight. È una tecnologia open source che consente l'analisi in tempo reale a distribuzione elevata chiamato Apache Storm. In modo nativo è supportato in HDInsight, ...
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Today, we’re excited to announce the upcoming public preview of HDInsight on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), our cloud-native, open-source big data service, completely rearchitected on Azure Kubernetes Service infrastructure with two new workloads and numerous improvements across the stack. The ...
Now, let’s create an HDInsight cluster on Azure. Think of “HDInsight” as an umbrella term that includes both Hadoop and Spark technologies; Hadoop HDInsight and Spark HDInsight are two examples of managed Big Data services on Azure. ...
(Pivotal has an offering called GemFire XD which is a distributed in-memory data grid but that is out of scope for our current discussion). Let us take an example how to use Pivotal HD to answer the following question: what was the highest price of the Apple, Google and Nokia stocks ...
public BigDataPoolReferenceType getType() Get the type property: Big data pool reference type. Returns: the type value.setReferenceName public BigDataPoolReference setReferenceName(String referenceName) Set the referenceName property: Reference big data pool name. Parameters: referenceName - the refer...
(a NoSQL, keyvalue store), SQL database, Blobs and more. It supports a REST-ful API that allows any client to perform create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations on text or binary data, such as video, audio and images. This means that any HTTP-capable client can interact with ...
华为HCNA-Big Data V1.0认证考试要点 HCNA-Big Data V1.0考试覆盖FusionInsight HD解决方案架构、设计、部署和维护,大数据常用组件技术原理、设计、部署、管理与维护(包括HBase, Hive, Loader, MR, YARN, HDFS, Spark, Flume, Solr, Hue, Kafka, Kerberos, Oozie, Zookeeper, Streaming)。下面小编准备了华为HCNA-...
There are currently several methods for protecting online services, from the Security Development Lifecycle to operational processes for rapid incident response. One of the primary assets of online services is usually overlooked—the Big Data created by request logs and operational event monitoring. This...