• To develop the java/scala/python + spark program to support the Big data project. • To support the one insight project (Reg Insight and citi Insight). • To perform fine tuning for programs running on spark platform. • To pass all test including unit test, SIT, UAT and PAT...
Big Data Development Engineer Share: The Programme 卓望数码是一所国家高新技术企业,不断提升自身研发、运营、运维一体化能力竞争力体系,获得了信息系统集成及服务(一级)资质、电子认证服务许可证、信息安全服务资质证书安全工程类一级等专业资质,通过了CMMI5级认证,并积累了56项专利及200余项软件著作权等。 在5G...
计算机软件 查看全部职位 微信扫码分享 职位描述 Java Shell Scala Spark Hadoop Impala Hbase Presto 岗位职责: 1.负责大数据平台数据层日常工作,包括并不限于:ETL的设计、开发、优化、维护; 2.对数据的稳定性负责,持续优化数据处理流程。 任职要求: 1.熟练使用Scala 或 Java语言; ...
Perhaps you’re thinking about going into a role in data engineering or big data development. Or, maybe you’re preparing to hire a data engineer and you want to learn more about the best practices and standards in the industry. In this article, we’ll break down the difference between bi...
Learn what is a Big Data Engineer, how to become a Big Data Engineer, specific skills and responsibilities they must perform for this kind of job, and more.
Learn how to become a Big Data Engineer and their roles and responsibilities, top skills required, salary and much more through this complete career guide.
If your interests include computer science, algorithms, math, software development, problem-solving, or all of the above, then you may be a big data engineer in the making. In this guide, we’ll walk you through what a big data engineer does, what’s needed in order to become one, ...
Data engineering 101 Generally, a data engineer extracts data from different sources, transforms it, and loads it on a central repository aka data warehouse, where it’s stored ready to be used by the data science team for further analysis. Abbreviated, this process is called ETL, the foundati...
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big-databest-practicescookbookdata-engineeringdata-engineer UpdatedDec 11, 2024 Python PredictionIO, a machine learning server for developers and ML engineers. scalabig-datapredictionio UpdatedJan 9, 2021 Scala CMAK is a tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters ...