Y. Wah, T. Herawan, "Big Data Clustering: A Review" Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014Volume 8583 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 707-720.A S. Shirkhorshidi, S. Aghabozorgi, T. Y. Wah, and T. Herawan, "Big Data Clustering: A Review," In ...
The age of big data is now coming. But the traditional data analytics may not be able to handle such large quantities of data. The question that arises now is, how to develop a high performance platform to efficiently analyze big data and how to design a
A detailed review on the prominent compression methods used for reducing the data volume of big data Shamsinejad E, Banirostam T, Pedram MM, Rahmani AM (2024) Presenting a model of data anonymization in big data in the context of in-memory processing. J Electr Comput Eng Innovations (JECEI...
Finally, it draws on the PDCA management concept to standardize the teaching evaluation process, providing a systematic methodology for university teaching evaluation in the context of big data. Literature review This literature review summarises the current popular research on knowledge teaching evaluation...
This model offers data-level parallelism to process millions of threads efficiently that allows algorithms to scale to large amounts of data. GPU’s focus is on enhancing the processing capability, storage and the resources in a single system whereas. MapReduce adds computer nodes to a system ...
Big data has recently been a prominent topic of research due to the exponential growth of data every year. This massive growth of data is causing problems with resource management. The available lite...
Using a clustering algorithm based on the big data research paradigm, we first conduct a bibliometric review to quantitatively assess and scientifically map the evolution of the current big data HRM literature. Based on this systematic review, we propose a general theoretical framework described as "...
Big data is a term used for very large data sets that have more varied and complex structure. These characteristics usually correlate with additional difficulties in storing, analyzing and applying further procedures or extracting results. Big data analy
Once the data has been normalized the observations are clustered by their pattern of response and cluster prediction is used to validate the findings. We propose a new method for cluster prediction which is a natural way to predict for hierarchical clustering. Our prediction method using nonlinear ...
Value Chain has been considered as a key model for managing efficiently value creation processes within organizations. However, with the digitization of the end-to-end processes which began to adopt data as a main source of value, traditional value chain