Leverage Oracle’s data platform Smoothly transition to the cloud with OCI Big Data services. Our comprehensive, proven approach supports a hassle-free migration, whether you're using existing data lakes, Spark, Hadoop, Flink, Hive, or other Hadoop components. Migrate to OCI without the need for...
Large-scale growth companies need big-data analysis platform, at the same time it is difficult to self-build. Based on cloud computing technology, big-data analysis can moved to the cloud and utilize cheap SaaS model with the advantages of the "cloud + end" pattern for enterprise applications...
Datalab是支持bigquery的,用SQL获取数据后,用to_dataframe()转化成dataframe数据类型,就可以当成数据集使用了。 8.Al platform and AutoML Api Machine Learning engine改名为Al platform,目前支持tensorflow, sklearn和xgboost。 Google cloud提供了比较丰富的Auto Api接口。Auto的意思是真的实现了,你只要提几个需求就...
Gain powerful Business Insights from your Data with a highly experienced team of Big Data Experts | Fast, Flexible, Agile & Scalable Solutions from Rackspace
Enhance your e-commerce platform with BigDataCloud's precise IP geolocation and reverse geocoding APIs. Fast, reliable, and accurate location services
如果您需要有关带 ADLS Gen2 的Talend支持的 Big Data Cloud Platform 的信息,请参阅您安装指南中名为Talend作业支持的 Cloud Big Data Platform 发行版的以下部分。 支持的带 Spark Streaming 作业中的 Kafka 的 Hadoop 发行版 Hadoop 发行版版本使用 Spark Stand-alone使用 Spark YARN支持...
At Guizhou Xingdaxing Building Materials Co., Ltd, the workers now carry out production through the Intelligent Concrete Manufacturing - High Performance Concrete Big Data Cloud Platform. 大数据+实体经济:赋能产业推动创新 Big Data + Real Economy: Empowering Industry for Innovation ...
Gestione, catalogue y procese datos sin procesar con Oracle Big Data. Crea un data lake potente que se integre perfectamente en las arquitecturas existentes y sirva de conexión sencilla entre los datos y los usuarios.
uGRIDD is a web-based service provider that offers its customers geo-referencing for their infrastructure data. The website provides customers with a plat-form to show, share, and find data. The site also provides useful time-saving tools to manipulate a
Mindteck’s Mind-CDMI brings niche expertise in cloud based storage interoperability. MegaMind is Mindteck’s Big Data platform which enables Automated Car License Plate Info Extraction.