While the development of Big Data technology is firmly embedded in computer science, accounting, as an evolving expertise, increasingly uses these data sets and analytical techniques to inform management decision making, to predict allocation decisions within financial markets, and to inform auditing prog...
The conclusion indicates a significant convergence between big data and accounting on the premise that data is the heart of accounting. Big data and advanced analytics have the potential to overcome the data limitations of accounting techniques that require estimations and predictions. A remarkable ...
我当时的题目是big data如何改变审计行业,因为我本科是accounting and finance专业的。这点算是这个系很特色的一个方面。因为Bigdata可以和许多领域产生交集,因此这个专业的论文一般不会限制你的选题方向,大家可以尽情选择想研究和喜欢的话题,包括你最后的毕业论文。下面讲下选修课。我这里只讲下我上过的课程,其余课程...
Big Data can suggest the feasibility of reinvention ,the chance of more strategic, future-facing role in organization and Accounting Information System (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing and processing financial and accounting data that is used by decision makers and nowadays Big data is a...
<p id="abspara0010" view="all"> This paper reviews research that uses big data and/or machine learning methods to provide insight relevant for equity valuation. Given the huge volume of research in this area, the review focuses on studies that either use
We point to both the potential of and the complexities presented by Big Data in relation to the finance function generally and to management accounting information provision specifically. We suggest that 'Big Data' and data analysis techniques enable executives to act on structured and unstructured ...
accountingbigdatachange会计guchong HowBigDataWillChangeAccounting DonWarren,KevinMoffitt,andPaulByrnes Outline •Typesofbigdata -Videoandimage -Audio -Text •Bigdataimpactsonaccounting -Managerial -Financial -Standardsdevelopment/evolution 2 3 TypesofBigData-Examples •Videoandimage–surveillance;video-co...
In reporting, Big Data can assist with the creation and refinement of accounting standards, helping to ensure that the accounting profession will continue to provide useful information as the dynamic, real-time, global economy evolves. Keywords: Big Data; ?nancial accounting; managerial accounting; ...
Big data and cloud computing are not new words to the public in today's era. They are the product of emerging technologies and are also closely related to the overall economic situation. The application of big data is widespread in all walks of life, especially in the financial accounting in...
1. Impact on accounting factors The emergence of data assets One of the duties of accounting is to confirm and measure the assets of the enterprise. According to current accounting standards, an asset is a resource that is formed by a company's past transactions or events and is owned or ...