(2014). Big Data Analytics: A Literature Review Paper. The 14th Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). Petersburg: Springer-LNCS.N. Elgendy and A. Elragal, "Big data analytics: a literature review paper," in Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects. Springer, 2014...
Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com 1 Huawei iLab 2015 Technical Report Contents 1 Big Data Analytics Report (from Huawei iLab) 2 Featured Topics on U-vMOS Huawei iLab is a powerhouse in new fixed-network...
There has been an increasing emphasis on big data analytics (BDA) in e-commerce in recent years. However, it remains poorly-explored as a concept, which obstructs its theoretical and practical development. This position paper explores BDA in e-commerce by drawing on a systematic review of the ...
The age of big data is now coming. But the traditional data analytics may not be able to handle such large quantities of data. The question that arises now is, how to develop a high performance platform to efficiently analyze big data and how to design a
During the operation of an industrial system, the efficacious information can be extracted and purified through big data analytics (BDA) techniques; BDA has played a significant role in production scheduling, transportation time forecasting, and customer demand forecasting, equipment fault detection and ...
The basis of this dissertation is the rise of "big data" and the use of analytics to mine that data. Big data is basically used to analyze the large amount of data. Companies have been storing and analyzing large volumes of data. In the recent times, data warehousing was mostly used for...
Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning are two high-focus of data science. Big Data has become important as many organizations both public and private have been collecting massive amounts of domain-specific information, which can contain useful information
• Cost model • Performance • Durability and availability • Scalability and elasticity • Interfaces • Anti-patterns rchivedThis paper concludes with scenarios that showcase the analytics options in use, as well as additional resources for getting started with big data analytics on A...
Ever since the emergence of big data concept, researchers have started applying the concept to various fields and tried to assess the level of acceptance of it with renown models like technology acceptance model (TAM) and it variations. In this regard, this paper tries to look at the factors...
The age of big data is now coming. But the traditional data analytics may not be able to handle such large quantities of data. The question that arises now is, how to develop a high performance platform to efficiently analyze big data and how to design a