Alice Green (voiced by Artemis Pebdani) is the mother ofBill Greenon the Disney Channel showBig City Greens. A military veteran, Alice has a no-nonsense attitude, but loves her family and would do anything for them. Alice wears a pink dress and slippers, oversized glasses, and a pearl ne...
Big City Greens content!About the ShowThe series revolves around 10-year-old country boy Cricket Green and his family, the Greens, who after losing their old farm, move to Big City to live with their Gramma, Alice. There, the Greens find fun and adventure, making new friends and working...
Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation: Directed by Anna O'Brian. With Chris Houghton, Marieve Herington, Bob Joles, Artemis Pebdani. After ruining his family's vacation before it can even begin, Cricket attempts to right his wrongs by volunteering his f
Turkey Trouble/Hard Bargain: Directed by Nick Sumida. With Chris Houghton, Marieve Herington, Bob Joles, Artemis Pebdani. Bill begrudgingly joins Cricket to cover up a turkey crime on Thanksgiving. The Greens get into crazy hijinks in a Smalton antique s
Big City Greens: Created by Shane Houghton, Chris Houghton. With Chris Houghton, Bob Joles, Marieve Herington, Artemis Pebdani. The adventurous life of Cricket Green, a country boy who moves with his family from their rural farm to a modern metropolis.
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Pen Pals/Study Abroad: Directed by Kiana Khansmith, Nick Sumida. With Chris Houghton, Marieve Herington, Bob Joles, Artemis Pebdani. Tilly and Andromeda exchange letters that reveal their unique outlooks on the world; Remy enlists the Greens to help him
City Streets City Park Characters: Cricket Green Tilly Green Remy Remington Gramma Bill Herbert (Pig in-game) Chicken With dynamic gameplay, vibrant characters, and exciting game modes, Big City Battle! offers endless entertainment for fans of Big City Greens and fighting games alike. Are you rea...
challenge mode and battle mode each with different difficulty modes in different locations like Greens' Backyard, Greens' Front Yard, Big Coffee, Subway, Raccoon, Park City Streets City Park and choose to play with different characters like Cricket Green, Tilly Green, Remy Remington, Gramma, Bill...
The second part of thisBig City Greensepisode is on November 3rd is call “Forbidden Feline” and it shows Tilly becoming friends with Anoosh, the neighborhood cat. This simple story is perfect for the always funny Tilly Green and we look forward to what sort of fun she will get into with...