Two of her most recently telecast films were profiles of actor-musicians separated by distinct cultures and generations. In Jeff Bridges: The Dude Abides she revealed the man behind the cool enigma of signature roles in such acclaimed post-modern films as The Big Lebowski. In Cab Calloway; Sket...
CHURCHES Churchill CHVRCHES Ciaran Lavery Cicada Rhythm Cigarettes After Sex Cinderella Cindy Bullens Cindy Hurt Cindy Wilson Circa Survive Circa Waves Circles Around the Sun Circuit des Yeux Circus Of Power Cisco Adler Cities Aviv Citizen Citizen Cope Citizens! City and...
Have a great time in Denver- It’s a fun yet hard town to get a message to. However, I wish you the best! I’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone. Jonah Frisco, Colorado http://lightspeed2017.20m.coma Man of peace September 15, 2009 @ 4:12 pm Hi there Stav. Yes I ag...
“The wide latitude granted ICE to ferret out ‘illegals’ would … put churches in the line of fire,” he said. “If schools, courts and government offices have already been deemed fair ground for the apprehension of individuals in violation of deportation orders, churches should take note. ...
After a series of bombings on schools and churches in the South, President Eisenhower decided it was time for further civil rights legislation in America. Another Civil Rights Act created the Civil Rights Commission and introduced penalties for attempts to obstruct a citizen from registering to vote...
we moved from New York it was for the same reasons — we were both working at home and didn’t need to live in proximity to NYC anymore. So we started doing internet searches for “best quality of life” and “lowest cost of living” and at the time, decided to move to Denver. ...
Of the financial scheme, Joseph Zwicker, the lead prosecutor in the case, told ESPN: "They targeted African-Americans that they got to know through churches and by other means. And they made various misrepresentations to them about their ability to ret...
Holy Orthodoxy has both ‘bemas’ and ‘holy of holies’ in their TEMPLES- that is what they call their churches. Moreover, the Orthodox, unlike the Western Rite, wears the same temple vestments(More or less) as they existed in the Moasaic Dispensation. They also believe in the TRUTH of...
She was only 19 when she took the first of two cross-country Greyhound bus trips on an Ameripass, stopping to perform at open mics in places like Denver, living out of a backpack and catching zs on the road between gigs. “Odd but genius. It was pretty bold. I mean, I look back ...