As I fiddled with my camera (ie - full recon on the DL), I witnessed this fine lady squirt in a boatload of yellow mustard. Plain old French's. OMG. What a revelation. Never would I have thought that childhood saffron jar of tangy mustard would be responsible for half my adult life...
Media Video Camera Sound Storage Realm Simple Store>> Return to Table of ContentsServer SideNetworkHTTP Intro An overview of HTTP, Introduction to HTTP Evolution of HTTP Identifying resources on the Web / Understanding URIs Architecture of the World Wide Web: Identification MIME types HTTP Mes...
Media Video Camera Sound Storage Realm Simple Store>> Return to Table of ContentsServer SideNetworkHTTP Intro An overview of HTTP, Introduction to HTTP Evolution of HTTP Identifying resources on the Web / Understanding URIs Architecture of the World Wide Web: Identification MIME types HTTP Mes...
On the plus side, it’s the only “official” east coast event hosted by the Academy, and although I’m not familiar at all, the Yelp chorus says “expensive but amazing,” so east coast invitees should take advantage of the desserts everyone seems to love. Besides Angela Bassett, it w...
Had I paid attention to the driver of Bus #13 on the first trip to Corral Centro (same driver on the return trip)when he suddenly pulled over in front of “Bazaar Melodie” on Avenida de las Americas to flirt with a girl selling bananas, I might have realized this man had serious ...
I glanced at the video camera filming my side of the visiting room, hardly comforted by the flashing green light that told me the humans were recording and monitoring us closely. “Won’t you look at me, Nox?” I couldn’t. I sensed the humans and my alpha urging me to raise my ...
But, these...these are the kind you yelp out as a dying wish. Just give me a batch of Baja fish tacos with ALL the fixin's and I'll die a happy girl. But, they better be made with mustard. Posted at 01:58 PM in Baja Travels, Make Me Happy | Permalink | Comments (0) The...
The first high-pitched yelp is very close to the camera, and actuallydoessound like a dog. But, if you ask me, it sounds like one being held by the passenger on the motorcycle. Listen closely, and immediately after the yell (or bark), the biker says quickly, “Listen, listen, listen...
Yelp says the FTC has ended its inquiry, won't act on complaints that reviews were manipulated More:PC World,Fast Company,Los Angeles Times,Fortune,Ars Technica,TechCrunch,Engadget,Consumerist,Marketing Land,SocialTimesandGizmodo Brendan Sinclair / ...
Like a man. 不像他那样男人 Well, my dad is not a man. 我爸不是个男人 He is a one-star Yelp review come to life. 他是点评网站上一星评论的现实版 All right, guys. You better Yentl your tits, 好了朋友们 最好藏好你们的奶头 cause were about to enter the most macho place on Earth....