The Big Brother Wiki is the home to everything Big Brother. From seasons to contestants, to twists in the game, come here to expand our network. Remember, "Someone is Always Watching!"
The Big Brother Wiki is the home to everything Big Brother. From seasons to contestants, to twists in the game, come here to expand our network. Remember, "Someone is Always Watching!"
Big Brother UK Wiki is a wiki which contains information about the reality TV show Big Brother UK, which aired from 2000 – 2010 on Channel 4 and from 2011 - 2018 on Channel 5. Relaunched on ITV from 2023 - present. We are hoping that this wiki continues to be a very worthwhile ...
Nicholas Anton "Nick" Starcevic was a houseguest on Big Brother 8 (US). Nick was quickly approached by Kail Harbick to join the Mrs. Robinson Alliance. He joined and they were able to successfully evict Carol Journey. Nick then started a showmance with Daniele Briones. Nick seemed to be...
Big brother是由The Savvy Peridot/KittyPop创作的一个角色。 不要与Older Bro混淆 外貌 Big brother戴着一顶红色的帽子,上面写着白色的“BB”,就像比特币的标志一样。他还穿着一件深灰色的连帽衫,上面有一个红色的标志。红色标志是BF的标志和男性性别标志的组合。他左手拿着麦克风,穿着蓝色牛仔裤,脚上穿着红...
Shannon Michelle Grant (née Dragoo)[1] was a houseguest on Big Brother 2 (US). Shannon was known for her showmance with Will Kirby, being a member of the Chilltown alliance, and her mean-spirited antics in the house, such as placing a bag of potato chip
Neda Kalantar was a houseguest on Big Brother Canada 2 and Big Brother Canada 5.In Big Brother Canada 2, Neda began playing a very quiet game, and received almost no airtime at the beginning. However, during Week 5, when Canada was Head of Household, she and her number one ally Jon ...
Big Brother 3 - Daniel Eatock in 20022003Big Brother 4 - Daniel Eatock in 20032004SVG NEEDED Big Brother 5 - Daniel Eatock in 20042005SVG NEEDED This logo was also used for the Serbian version of the show, Veliki Brat. Big Brother 6 - Daniel Eatock in 2005...
Ivette Lydia Corredero[1] is the runner-up of Big Brother 6 (US). She later appeared as a potential houseguest for Big Brother 7 (US). Known for her loud personality, obsession with Eric Littmann, and her bond with James Rhine, Ivette was a member of The
Karen Ann Ganci was a houseguest on Big Brother 5 (US). Remembered for her wacky personality, strong social game, and loyalty to the Pinky Swear Alliance, Karen found herself flying under the radar for most of the game after being placed on the block as