Big Brother 18spent a significant part of its episode Sunday night focusing on Frank Eudy’s behavior in the house, specifically Frank’s harassment of women, especially Da’Vonne. Frank’s behavior consumed most of the first half of the episode, and to the show’s credit, it both included...
Big Brother is live tonight on CBS (August 21, 2013) and we have the spoilers below including this week's nominations for eviction, PoV and Mvp. Earlier this week on Sunday night's show, Aaryn Gries was again named as the Head of Household. Also revealed earlier on Big brother 15 - ...
Also, don’t forget that the next, newepisodeof Big Brother season 24 is due out this Sunday night, September 4, 2022 at approximately 7 pm central standard time. Look for it to feature footage of the HOH competition and Michael’s nomination ceremony. Alright, guys....
Pinoy Big Brother: Kumunity Season 10 is the 10th season and 16th edition overall of Pinoy Big Brother. On August 6, 2021, weeks before its official announcement, The Big Brother house facade was surrounded with a blue construction barrier along with a b
Big Brother, Real Housewives of NJ and the Newsroom...Just Another Sunday NightBig BrotherOrange Is the New Black
BIG BROTHER on The CBS Television Network: Big Brother 25 (season 2023) is broadcasted three nights weekly on the CBS Television network. Wednesday at 8/7c Thursday at 9/8c Sunday at 8/7c Each aired episode of Big Brother, hosted by Julie Chen, is a 60 minutes compilation of the24/...
former houseguests -- Nicole Franzel, Victor Arroyo, Jessie Godderz, Da’Vonne Rogers, Caleb Reynolds, James Huling and Austin Matelson -- on set of a special mock movie trailer shoot forBig Brother19 in Los Angeles in August, which will premiere during a competition on ...
Julie revealed, “Big Brother 25 might be coming to an end, but the BB Universe has a BIG holiday surprise in store. Find out what that means Thursday on finale night.” Well let’s not wait that long because I wanna speculate!
Big Brother 19 Schedule: CBS has announcedBB19 starts on June 28, 2017with a two-hour premiere and the return of the series’ regular three nights a week schedule. We’ll be watching every Thursday (9/8c), Sunday (8/7c), and Wednesday (8/7c) so get ready!
(the premieres ofSurvivorandThe Amazing Raceare scheduled for that night) so they did the veto comp early so it could be included on Sunday’s show. That’s understandable but, as a result, there’s now nothing going on in the Big Brother House. Monte has the veto. He’s not going ...